Travel Destinations – U.S. & Abroad

Looking for travel destinations around the U.S. and abroad? Below are some of the places we’ve visited so far which includes travel guides, national parksfood guides and camping.

This Week’s Featured Travel Video:

Travel Destinations in the U.S.






North Carolina

North Dakota

South Dakota

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137 thoughts on “Travel Destinations – U.S. & Abroad”

  1. I highly suggest you go to South Island NZ..we rented a self contained wilderness campervan on South Island which you can camp on the beach with, and started from Christ Church,then to Kaiteriteri where the kayaking is so much fun then on to so many fun places. We were ther for 3 weeks and I have to say, the people are so nice ( real outdoorsey ) and the country is so clean!. The campgrounds are very clean too if you choose to go to one.we went in March when it’s the starting of fall there and less expensive. But we had the time of our lives..So much to do!! Even went ATVing on a glacier.You guys gotta look into it. We like adventure too so I know you guys would love it.

  2. Joe & Kait , hows it going ?? Me and my Wife and son TY watch you 2 basically everyday now were watching reruns since we seen them all… haha just curious if you 2 are in the Houston area we would love to take yall to Korean BBQ… just a few months ago we recently purchased a class B so this is why were hooked on your channel…..

  3. You guys PLEASE share your favorite states to spend extra time in. I am trying to find a perfect jumping off point to live while RVing. Where would you ever buy a home?

  4. Howdy Russo’s from the “Conch Republic”,

    Keep up the great videos and blogs! We are going to RV full time in 5 years to see this beautiful country of ours. Then we will be 54, debt free, children free and financially able to travel without money worries. Reach out to us if you make it back to Key West, “beers and dinner is on us”.

    All the best!

    John and Nadia Hall

  5. If you make it into Michigan this Summer your welcome to driveway camp right next to my 99 Roadtrek 190 Popular!



  6. Hey Guys!!!totally enjoy your videos ??? It totally would rock if you guys would make it to Two Rivers Wi which has beautiful scenery along Lake Michigan ?

  7. Hello Kait and Joe.
    Lovely set of videos, thank you for sharing and your advice.
    It was always a dream of my Mum to go on a camper-van holiday. But the 4 boys grew up too quick (in London) to make it happen.
    I am a retiree (passive investor-Landlord) since age 52 – now 55. So the opportunity to change lifestyles is there (except we are retired with a 3rd child or primary school age).
    There is a lot to learn about minimalist living from you – even if you do not drive out. I am also inspired as a Landlord on how to optimise space and utility for my young international residents.
    I especially liked the reasons behind you changing from Class-A to class-B size vans.
    Thank you for inspiring me and giving new ideas.
    My immediate take-away is how to live more simply and yet live more actively.
    Also – to focus on what is important to you (in my case, my children and sports) rather than collecting accolades, bragging rights, and material possessions.
    thank you. Safe Travels!

  8. Hi Joe and Kait!
    Just finished reading your book, Taking Risks, and I read it kindle to kindle in a couple of hours. Such a great read, very personable and full of tips from your journey into Travel Life. I appreciated how open you were about the process you went through, especially the downfalls and having expectations or excitement dashed for the sake of a better opportunity down the road. I am impressed with your planning and you have given me inspiration to establish my own To Do List in the lead-up to my downsizing and eventual purchase of my own vehicle. I was relieved to see how many different types and sizes of RVs you tried out and came close to buying before you found “the right one”. Even the fact that you are now in a Class B, realizing that the Class A was too big for your needs takes a lot of pressure away from the “I’ve got to pick the perfect forever vehicle” thinking. Following your travels and experience makes it so much easier for others to learn how to approach this process with patience and planning.
    Love your videos and look forward to Wednesdays!
    BTW, Congratulations on being #2 on the Top 100 Van Life YouTube Channels!
    You need to come to Canada…it’s beautiful here!

  9. Hi Joe and Kait,
    I stumbled upon your videos and am now hooked on the idea of van living. I also bought your book and I am enjoying it very much. I am a widower, looking to retire in about 6 years, at which time I plan on starting my nomadic life. I am really interested in primarily stealth camping with occasional re park camping as an adjunct. I don’t see you referring too much to stealth camping. Do you have any pointers?

  10. Hi Russo Family-
    First, I want to say how much I enjoy your site, your VLOGs and just general ability to entertain strangers! You both have a gift.
    Secondly, I wanted you to know that based on your review and endless hours traveling/living in the Hymer my wife and I got hooked on them and subsequently ended up buying an Aktiv 1.0! You should get some sort of kick back from Hymer because it really was your VLOGs that got us intrigued enough to seek out a dealership to look at them in person. I pick mine up this Friday!!
    Lastly, I wanted to let you guys know if you’re ever up in NE Oregon, SE Washington state to hit us up! We’d love to meet you both and take you out wine tasting for an afternoon at some beautiful wineries in this area…
    take care and safe travels!

  11. I’m so excited that you’re in Tucson! I have lived here all of my life and absolutely love it here. I hope you enjoy your visit! I enjoy following your travel adventures. My husband and I are on a 1-2 year plan to pack it all up and travel like you. We are so excited and have learned so much from you and your book. The hardest part is deciding on the right camper van. I have already been stocking up on camper van necessities! I even bought an instant pot! Thank you or sharing what you do! I always look forward to seeing what’s next for you on your journey. Much love to you both!

  12. Don’t see that you have visited Canada … yet! Come during the summer for a wonderful experience, country, and people. Give us a shout out if you travel through Haliburton, Ontario anytime. Check out our B&B at We will be travelling through AZ visiting Kartchner Caverns, Roper Lake, and Lyman Lake State Park for the month of March 2018 with our Husky/Sheppard. Let us know if you are around!

  13. Hey Russo’s

    I’m from the UK and also love campervan life! Good to see it’s a world wide thing, I would love to travel the states for a year with my wife and Staffordshire Bull terrier “Rubi” did Australia’ east coast a while back, a vast country like yours, any plans to take a European trip? Have fun and drive safe, keep promoting the life style…

    Chris Febry Bristol UK

  14. Hi Russo’s,
    Found you on YouTube recently; loving your journey! We live in Prescott AZ, near your current location — lovely old Western town — check out Point of Rocks RV campsite nearby (928) 445-9018. We’re in the process of doing our own downsizing in the hope of hitting the road with our “Leo” (2yr old White Swiss Shepherd).
    Scott, Mary and ISE Hall

  15. Hi Joe & Kait
    Great videos & information. Just remember if you & Kait are ever up in New York State you are more than welcome to stop by and park your vehicle on my property here in Lake George,NY. I have plenty of room and you can hook up and enjoy yourselves up here in the Adirondacks. This is a beautiful area and plenty to see and do. My wife & I are getting ready to purchase the Mercedes Sprinter and start traveling the country. Wish we could team up with you guys . You & Kait are like the guardian angels of the rv travelers .

  16. Hello , my husband and I have been following you for quite some time. If you are in Cottonwood, you have to come to our hometown of Prescott, before you leave Arizona. This is the most beautiful time of year. Let us know if you will be coming and we would love to meet up with you.

  17. Hey there! My husband and I are visiting Sedona. Just saw your vid that you were in this area, too. We’d love to meet up and buy you dinner if you are close enough and are interested in going.

    Sandra Bond
    Facebook: Sandra Bond (from Fort Worth, Texas)
    Instagram: thetexasbonds

  18. Joe and Kait,
    So glad you are enjoying my lovely state, Arizona. We’ve been following you for a while (from your Class A to the current Camper Van). We’re part timers, but now that we are retired, have been taking much longer trips – including a 100 day journey to Alaska. You guys have GOT to go – simply amazing and beautiful.
    We are planning a trip to next year’s EAA Oshkosh airshow, which you two attended not that long ago. I noted that you camped offsite – away from the airfield. Would you recommend where you stayed? Did it have full services? How far a drive (with the tons of people attending)? Umm – what was the name of the place you stayed?
    Our dog Luna gives a big shoutout to Leo!
    Thanks for doing what you do, and sharing with us on YouTube.

    • Thanks Jeff – we really enjoy Arizona. We’re planning to go to AK but not in the van. Kait has a very bad allergy to mosquitos so our plan is to head up there in the winter to avoid the “national bird.”

      When we went to EAA, we had someone let us stay on their property. We considered staying in the camping fields they have on-site but very glad we didn’t. Most of the fields didn’t have any type of hook ups plus it had rained at the start of the show…so areas of the fields turned into mud pits.

      Enjoy the show!

  19. Hi Joe & Kait,
    We just traveled to Pomona from La Mesa in San Diego county…watched your Astoria video while relaxing at the Pomona KOA…surprised to hear you’ll be at the 65th RVIA Show that we’ll be attending Friday. Hope we run into you two and Leo. This will be our first night in our LTV!
    Warmest regards,

  20. -Just this week, I learned about your blog and videos. You guys are great! I haven’t caught up on everything yet, so I apologize if you’ve discussed this already. Is a visit to Michigan in your future? There are many beautiful areas to visit.

    Happy Travels!

  21. My husband and I are addicted to you guys and your adventures. We are preparing for our new season in life in 2 years . We have about 150,000 to spend on our van and so confused as to what we want and really need. We have been thinking the Unity and I noticed you went through them but didn’t buy . Could I please ask why ? Also if you’re every back in Utah again we would love to meet you guys and take you to dinner.

    Thank you
    Steve and Ginger Wakehouse

    • Hi Ginger and Steve! We did look at the Unity, but found it to be too big for what we wanted. Have you had a chance to read this camper van post? It might answer some of your questions. What part of Utah are you in? We might make it there later this year and will be happy to meet up if we’re in your area.

      • Hi Kait,
        I am still in aww that you replied and so grateful . I just read the Camper Van Post, thank you for the link, I will share the information with my husband tonight. We spend most our nights together reviewing , learning, trying to get as much information as possible. Thank you once again for the link and all the information you supply us . I am terrible with direction ( thats my husbands department lol) But we live about 40 miles south of Salt Lake City but willing to travel to meet you guys . Utah has so much to offer . I will keep following your locations and when I see you’re getting closer , I will check in with you. Thanks again for what you both do .
        Thank you,
        Ginger Wakehouse

  22. Love your videos and following you guys. If you make it up to Seattle, I’d love to meet up for coffee. I just moved here a few months ago and I’m attending a boat building school…I’ll be here for a few years…Terry

  23. Hai My name is Ad and I live in the Netherlands.
    We are following you ever since you started in the campervan. We have the intension to come back to the states and Canada in 2019 for a roadtrip in an RV . But your always talking about the price of petrol. You don,t know how lucky you are. Last wednesday you talked about the price in California, well I was there in 2016 and we enjoyed the most expencive prices in the states $ 3,00 a gallon. We pay $7,25 a gallon and we think that is cheap.

    By the way I would like to ask wether you inttend to go in the direction of Yellowstone because I want to go there and you can show me how it is over there before I go.

    Many greetings and keep on tracking

    • Hey Ad!

      Gas in our home state of Texas is less thank $2/gallon so anything more is expensive for us! We want to go to Yellowstone but I do not think we will make it there this year. The park closes in the early fall due to the cold and snow and we do not want to rush to get there…we can go another time. It is supposed to be beautiful so we may go there in 2018.

      Hope we can meet while you’re on your trip in 2019!

  24. Hi Joe and Kait, I live in S.W. Portland and am retired. Would love to meet both. (You Three) And if that’s not possible I can maybe answer any questions u have. If u r still here.?
    From Chadi

  25. Love you guy’s! I’ve just picked up a small class b van. I plan on traveling mainly here in Florida. I want to start keeping track of where I’ve been and documenting the highlights of the area. Is there something you guy’s use that would help chronicle my trips? I would prefer it not to be digital but any guidance would help. Keep living the good life and inspiring others to do the same.

    P.S Tell Leo I said hi.
    Kirk Ball

    • Hi Kirk! Congrats on the new van and we hope you have many fun adventures around the Sunshine state. As for chronicling your trips, the tools we use are digital. Google maps is a good way to keep track of places you’ve visited and ones you want to check out. I have a small journal that I write in from time to time which could be a good option for you. I have Leo a good belly scratch from you. Happy trails.

  26. Hi Joe and Kait –
    It was so wonderful to meet you both yesterday! Thank you so much for entertaining all of my questions and for your great insight on full-time van life – it was so helpful! I truly appreciate the time and transparency you’ve put into your blog and YT channel as they are tremendous resources for those of us hoping to make the leap to life “on our own terms.”

    Enjoy your travels on the coast! And please do not hesitate to reach out for a place to stay (or shower!) when you come through Colorado – you’re welcome anytime!

    Best, Ryan.
    P.S. The one questions I didn’t ask was how to send you my contact info privately…so I sent you a DM on Instagram. 🙂

  27. Are you currently in Bend, OR by chance? I was downtown this evening and saw an Aktiv. I was so excited I had to pull over and take a closer look. I haven’t seen one in person yet and I was impressed. If you are in Bend I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and chat about Class B’s and full-timing…

    • Hi Ryan! Thanks for reaching out and glad you pulled over to check out the van. We’ll be in Downtown this morning and were thinking about heading to Thump Coffee or Bluebird (not sure which one has better coffee). If you’re available at 10am this morning we can meet at one of the two spots. Let us know.

  28. Hello Joe and Kait:

    I just posted a link to your blog in our FB page “Minimalist Motorcycle Vagabonds” We have several folk living off of their motorcycles exclusively. We have about 5000 members around the world. I posted your page because many of our members are considering to become full time vagabonds, some with motorcycles, some with campers. Your blogs highlight some of the commonalities that living on the road requires. I personally am considering a Mercedes Sprinter with a Eco-trek solar/lithium battery setup with a motorcycle trailer. More videos on specific RV topics . Keep up the good work! If you ever get to the Atlanta area. I would love to treat you two to lunch!

    • Very cool J.L., thank you! The one thing I miss the most about being in the van are my motorcycles (all of which I sold) but I kept all my gear and found places for it in the van. One day, I’ll get another bike but until then I’ll have to live vicariously through others. We’ve talked about getting a couple of adventure style bikes and living the vagabond life but it wouldn’t be possible with our pooch. We’ll have to send you a note when we make it to ATL!

  29. Hopefully, you will someday have some planned trips for Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Lots of places there for you to share RV experiences.

  30. Joe & Kait,
    Love your vids & blog! You’ve inspired my wife and I to do the same and proven to us it can be done (and we’re not crazy ?). We’re about 7 yrs away from full-timing it – after our daughter graduates from HS….but we’re already enjoying our 26ft class c motorhome on many weekends and vacations.
    If you’re ever passing through Nebraska (we’re in Omaha, along I-80), stop by (and use our driveway to camp if you like).

    • Hi John. Thank you for the great comment and the driveway offer. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Class C! We have family near Omaha and hope to make it out there next year.

  31. Hi, also been following your travels on your website and youtube channel. It looks like you’re living an amazing adventure! If you’re going to pass through the San Francisco bay area please come by Marin county (north of SF). Where we live, my Mom and I would be happy to meet you and show you around these parts. There’s some good Chinese food and dim sum in bay area too.

    • Hi Stewart! We hope to make it that way sometime this year. If you see that we’re in the area, don’t hesitate to reach out again and we can meet up for some good Chinese food 🙂 Thank you for following our journey.

  32. Just saw your camper van as we came out of the movie theater in Paso. We have been here for the past week at Wine Country RV and are departing on Sunday. If you would like to meet for a glass of wine or distilled spirits, we can provide some good recommendations. – John & Jennifer

    • Hey John and Jennifer! We are all wined out, but we’ll be hanging out at City park this afternoon if you want to stop by. We’ll be at one of the picnic tables.

      • Just saw you pull into Mammoth Lakes as we were wandering out for dinner. Enjoy your stay here. It is amazing …. Some of the hikes still have snow on the ground!

  33. Hi Joe & Kait:

    My wife just discovered you YouTube channel and I’m browsing your website now. Absolutely wonderful! Will be reading more of your travel adventures.

    What sort of places are you staying at in your current location, Santa Maria?


      • Thanks for the reply Kait.

        One of the basic questions we had when watching one of your videos is this – where do you take a shower or bath? Hope that’s not too personal, but it’s one of those things I guess we take for granted living in a home versus a van.

        Hope you are well and enjoying life.


        • Thanks for the response!

          So what gym should I join that has the best nationwide coverage before I take off on my van adventures? 🙂

          Watched a few more of your videos today. Very good stuff. I’m learning…


          • Hey Vince. My best advice is to look up the locations of the different gyms to see which one has the best coverage in places you want to travel to. Also, some gyms are month to month so you can switch throughout the year to get the best coverage.

  34. Hi! Love your website and all your videos. Curious if you plan to drive through Campbell (near San Jose/San Francisco.) We would love to host you guys for a BBQ. You can driveway surf at our place and have some eggs from our chickens! We have ideas about getting a van at some point too. Send me an email. Cheers, Maggie and Greg

  35. Hello Joe and Kait. (Or should that be Kait and Joe? LOL) I found your You Tube channel today and subscribed. Thanks for doing such great videos. You two are naturals in front of the camera and skilled behind it.

    I looked at your travels as shown here on the website. The next time that you are crossing the middle of the country, I’d suggest a stop at West Bend in north west Iowa. West Bend is the site of the Grotto of the Redemption. It is the largest grotto in the world and it was built almost entirely by one man over a period of 50 years. (he had two other men helping him in the final few years.) Stones and gems were shipped in from all over the world for this grotto. It’s an awesome place that is easily seen in an afternoon, but many people want to take longer because it is such a peaceful place with such clean energy. (yes, it’s also dog friendly) Check out their website for some pics which don’t quite do it justice…

    On the northeast side of Iowa are the Buddy Holly crash site, the Herbert Hoover presidential library and you should not miss the world’s largest truck stop. The Iowa-80 truck stop is enormous. It has a dentist office, a movie theatre, a chiropractic office and lots of other cool stuff. The Iowa-80 truck stop is located on Interstate 80 near the town of Walcott, Ia. Check out their website:

    If you decide to travel through my home state of Iowa, please contact me and I’ll try to give you some useful suggestions for things to see as you go through. There are things like the Grant Wood house (from the famous painting of the farmer and his wife) and the birthplace of John Wayne. AKA Marion Morrison. Then there are a bunch of other things.

    Anyway, I’m done with the “commercial” and I just wanted to say hello. I am a weekend boondocker with my 1987 class A Winnebago. It is my first RV and this is my third season with her. She is named “Waltzing Matilda.” BTW, the Winnebago factory is in Forest City, Ia. They regularly give tours of their factory. I plan to visit them this year.

    Thanks again for making the videos and sharing a part of your life with us. I can’t wait to see what is coming next. Blessings to you and yours.

    • Welcome Clyde! Very glad you are enjoying the videos and thank you so much for the recommendations. We definitely want to visit your home state and will be sure reach out. Let us know what you think of the factory tour, it’s something we’d be interested in doing. Enjoy boondocking with Waltzing Matilda.

  36. Hi guys. I noticed you haven’t done much in Texas. Being such a large state, there are many things to visit. I recently went to Big Bend Nat’l Park and loved it! Lived here all my life and neglected to go to such an isolated place, and I loved it. Definitely don’t go during the summer or early fall months because of the heat.
    I also wanted to mention Corpus Christi Texas. There you can go to North Padre Island and stay on the beach free at the Padre Island Nat’l Seashore. I used to live on the island and the RVers seem to love it!

    • Oh yeah, another Texan here willing to give travel suggestions if you ever make it down our way. It’s a large, diverse state with everything from the deep Piney Woods of east Texas, to the rolling, rugged Hill Country, to the arid western part of the state (Big Bend Nat’l Park !) Lots of cool places to go and things to see…

  37. Funny, we just discovered your site and we are in Decatur, Indiana getting ready to visit the REV factory, we are seriously considering a Holiday Rambler Admiral 30U. WE live in Pinehurst, NC. Have you heard and good or bad comments. Love your stuff, have only watched a few.

    WE are excited, although there is a lot of bad stuff regarding RV’s on the web.


  38. Thank you for the review of the Navion V. We have a 2016 V and love it. One feature not mentioned is the beds do tilt up for TV viewing. Video makes us feel better about owning one. Gerry in Michigan.

  39. Hi guys and (almost) Happy New Year!

    We’ve been following you guys for a month or so now and we really enjoy the content and the videos. Actually we forwarded you’r super all terrain RV walk-through to my son and he really enjoyed it. Anyway, my comment for you is this: after seeing the places you guys have visited, I really recommend Chattanooga, Tennessee. For a small southeastern Tennessee town, Chattanooga has a very eclectic population. Young population like yourselves and plenty of things to do, indoors and out. Trust me, visit Chattanooga and you’ll be glad you did.

  40. Hi there! First time messaging you. I’m a 74 yr old widow with a 32′ Class C Itasca. I do most of my rving in So Calif but going towards Oregon and Washington next spring. I feel like I’m stalking you! Was at Pomona RV show day after you were there. Purchased a 26′ class C Envoy by Jayco. Picking up next month in San Diego. Suddenly I’m reading terrible things about dealer and their service. Any suggestions on what to look for when I pickup new RV? Also, I was just down the road at Harrahs So Calif Resort. What a beautiful area. I’m a So Cal gal but had never been there. Going to take RV there before I trade it in. Love following you two (not literally!) Hope you pick your new rig soon.

    • Hey Marti! Hopefully one of these days we actually bump into each other!

      Our suggestion would be to call the dealer and make an appointment to go down there and look the coach over before your delivery date. You should go through it top to bottom and make a list of everything that needs to be remedied before you take delivery and give them a copy…make sure you do this at least a couple weeks before your delivery date. I don’t know how it works when you buy at the show but I’m assuming you’ll have to sign for the coach when you go to pick it up. When you go for pick up, go through the list again and make sure everything is to your liking and if not, don’t sign the papers. Have them fix everything before you take delivery.

  41. Hello Guys,

    Did you see your rig yet? If no, I am trying to seek for something smaller than my fifth wheel and with an engine. Not sure if an A or C yet but I would like some information on your. If you have sold it then good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

    BTW – I enjoy your videos, they are very informative.

    Thanks again,



  42. Suggestion for you when you guys are doing your editing. Think it would look neat if you would try some transitional swipes when you are piecing segments together. Instead of segment, cut, black screen for microsecond, new segment; why not have a transitional swipe?

    Maybe Leo/motorhome/jeep going across the screen and the new segment trail behind or something like that? Not all of the time just maybe one a video

    • Thanks for the suggestion Phill! Back when I worked in TV we called those “Star Wars” swipes…because every scene of the movie had a different crazy swipe. We used to use them in a lot of our older videos but got away from them. We’ll try to add some in going forward for some fun!

  43. Hey guy’s the next time you head east you might want to consider a middle route and check out this area:
    As well as surrounding Arkansas State Parks. I think you will find this system of State Parks completely overlooked. Oh, and if you make it to the area be sure to see this as well:

    Based on your reviews of your Bay Star combined with my research I (today) purchased a 2015 Bay Star 3215 (with quiet a few of the options you mention on your wish list)… used with 2900 miles on it. Now I just have to get to Orlando and pick it up!

    Enjoy hearing of your adventures…

    Good Luck going forward…

    • Hi Steven! Thank you so much for the suggestions. We will add them to our list for when we make our way east again. Congratulations on the Bay Star purchase. Safe journey to Orlando for the pick up and happy trails!

  44. Hi Guys,

    We’ve been camping at Kenisse Lake RV Resort for a couple of weeks. I was out walking the dog this morning & saw you leaving.

    My wife, Jackie & our rescue dog Jasper are from Oregon….sold/gave away almost everything & just started full-time RVing this past May. We’re leaving here next Tuesday, heading up to Presque Isle for a few days before making the big push east through New York state to Quebec & the Canadian Maritimes & then south back to the US…maybe we’ll see you on the road… we’re in a Allegro Breeze 28 BR pulling a Honda CR-V…like your website..will keep track…safe travels..

    • Hi Mike! Thanks for the note. Sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet in person while we were at the campground. How do you like the Allegro Breeze so far? Enjoy your trip to Canada and happy trails.

  45. Joe – How the heck are you?!? It’s been a very long time! I just stumbled on you’re youtube channel doing some research of my own. WOW – that’s all I can say WOW! Shoot me a email if you have the chance.

  46. Hey there! We’re your neighbors currently at Oneida Casino. (The ones who pulled in late last night.) I wish we had had a chance to say hello in person. Great site! Good luck!

    • Hi Marisa! Sorry we missed you. Thanks for checking out the site. Were you in town for the Packers Shareholder meeting by chance? We are headed to Oshkosh next for EAA. Maybe our paths will cross again. Safe travels!

  47. Hello Joe and Kait, Love your new website set up and the cool “share location” idea. Indiana certainly is closer to us, but still several hours. But I know one day we will meet. Happy travels and as always, thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Kim! It looks like we will be in Ohio in August for a family wedding. Current plan is to head to Dayton and Columbus and make our way towards Akron area. We would love to meet up if you are around.

  48. Thank you for the comprehensive review of your 2903 Baystar Sport.
    We had a travel trailer for 30+ years, (did a lot of 5-8 day boon docking) been without an RV for the last 8 years and now looking to go motor home, under 30′ for the same reasons you shared.(State, Forest service, National parks). we have had a three week trip and a one weel trip in rented class “C” so we have a good idea that the class a gas is the right direction. I have some questions on your model and Baystar in general.
    1: How has the full wall slide performed? (seen bad press on some like Thor’s)
    2: Baystar does not use a fiberglass roof, which seems to be the most recommended construction. Your comments?
    3: Cockpit crash safety. Winnebago makes a big push on their full surround steel cage. From the Baystar videos looks like no special reinforcement other than the wall and roof structure coming together.
    4: Ride and Handling? Seems to be a weak area in smaller gas RV’s from a variety of posts I’ve seen. Have you had to upgrade with sway bars, airbags, other?
    5: Have you camped with just the bed slide out? Space OK that way?

    We have looked at the 2702 but the small kitchen is a concern. The 2705 seemed to be a candidate but has been discontinued. The new 2812 looks like a possibility but large passenger side slides encroach on outside living space.

    Thanks for your sharing!

    Greg Scott

    • Greg – you’re very welcome but to clarify we don’t have the Sport model. 2015 was the last year for the 2903 standard Bay Star and there are significant differences between the two. Great questions and we’d probably have to write a very long article to address each one. We feel it would be a disservice to you if we just gave quick answers and not paint the full picture. That said, we do offer people to schedule an hour of our time (for a fee) on the phone to answer and discuss any questions you might have. If you’d be interested, send us an email at info (at)

  49. If you don’t mind paying a bit, check out the RV park on Tiki Island near Galveston next time you are in TX. I used to live there before the RV park was there but it looks like a nice set up. Best time is probably Sept, Oct, Nov.
    Also, if you end up in upstate NY, there’s not much official boondocking in the northeast but we offer our place for a few days (if it hasn’t rained because the parking area is on grass…)
    We’re the ones with the kind of home-built expedition vehicle (have corresponded a bit in the past). It’ll be like a Harvest Home stay (pick blueberries! Free range eggs! See the alpaca, goats, geese and turkeys)
    Good luck in your travels!

    • Thanks for the offer to let us park on your property! Sounds awesome and we’ve really missed having fresh eggs – so we get extra excited when we go to a friends place that has chickens! We’ll let you know if we make it into the area.

      Thanks for the reco in TX. We are probably going to pass through there on our way back out west so we may have to check it out.

      Still very jealous of that beast of a RV you have. We’re looking at different expedition vehicles now too.

    • Hi John! Our friends live in New Lennox and we’ve really enjoyed the area. I’ve never been to Hawaii and would love to go some day. What made you decide to leave Maui for the OC?

  50. Just heard about you two on Jack Spirko’s pod cast. I live in the town that you both liked, Flagstaff. I’m a dog lover so I was sad to hear about Duke. Follow your dreams and I’m going to follow you. Take care and happy trails!

  51. Josan & kait

    Wow, just ran into your blog, sounds like a wonderful adventure, thanks for making a blog about this and look forward to hearing more about you progress, adventures and insights.


    Joe Acosta

  52. Josan,
    not sure if you can do it with the RV, but if you can, you should go all the way South and go to Key West. Can’t believe you went through Texas and didn’t go to Austin. Safe travels.


    • Well we had planned to do Austin but we’ve both been before and wanted to check out some other areas while we were there. We’re officially Texas residents now so we plan on spending more time in the state and will certainly spend more time in Austin. That said, we want to go down to the Keys. A lot is going to depend on where we can stay – there is a RV park down there but in winter it’s near impossible to get into a park without reserving a few months in advance.


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